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  1. M

    yesterdays dig...found a cool bright green bottle! Need help identifying..

    Thanks for the info. all! Hopefully I'll be hitting the dump again this upcoming weekend. The advertising for the Ponds Extract is interesting...sounds like it would cure just about anything that could bother
  2. M

    yesterdays dig...found a cool bright green bottle! Need help identifying..

    I went back to a TOC dump I've been digging off and on for about a year. I spent about 2 hrs digging in a location I haven't dug yet...about 30 feet down the creek embankment from where I have been digging in the past. Found a few cool bottles including the bright emerald (?) green one. Not sure...
  3. M

    Some finds from the other day...question about one bottle

    Here's some of my finds from a dump I've been digging. These were found in about 2 hrs worth of digging time. I REALLY like the SS Staffords Ink...probably my favorite bottle I've ever found yet! Anyone know how common it is or what it might be worth?
  4. M

    Question about cleaning...

    I'm kinda a noob at the bottle thing. I've been digging a dump and have been told that my bottles are probably from about 1900 - 1920 or so. I haven't found anything super valuable but I have got lots of cool embossed, milk, etc. Is there anyway to clean some of the more...

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