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  1. H

    Foreign cokes...big deal or no?

    anybody know where this ones from? I can't find it
  2. H

    Foreign cokes...big deal or no?

    i mean ones from ethiopia. FREAKEN ETHIOPIA !
  3. H

    Foreign cokes...big deal or no?

    i love these but do other people?
  4. H

    found in the river today

    thanks digswithstick. i will keep on keep on keepen on. see ya hoss
  5. H

    found in the river today

    i agree lobey those are nice .i love the embossing.mines a little amethyst. see ya hoss
  6. H

    casco bay beverages maine

    thanks mad man mike see ya hoss
  7. H

    found in the river today

    thanks dollarbill i love that balsam too.i work in a building that used to be a drug store and i found this and other drugs underneath the building at low tide. the bud thing would a have been a real find whatever it was. see ya hossom1
  8. H

    found in the river today

    thanks everyone ill keep em comin thanks for the advice
  9. H

    casco bay beverages maine

    i know these are common around here but i love this bottle .found it today at lowtide.
  10. H

    found in the river today

    an interesting shard
  11. H

    found in the river today

    and this from philly
  12. H

    found in the river today

    and this i love
  13. H

    found in the river today

    local soda
  14. H

    found in the river today

    dug these at my usual site at low tide today. somehow can never remember to take pics of them when they are dirty.
  15. H

    Unusual Bottle

    Hey you wont believe this but i just saw one of those yesterday.It's a nautical lens(Spell?). somehow a sting of lights goes in there .a scallop fisherman from portland showed me. hope that helps hoss
  16. H

    help a newbie with these please

    ok thanks alot tigue. and i dont even consider the money i just love the hunt see ya hoss
  17. H


    side of green
  18. H

    coast of maine digging

    oh i did take it out oh well see ya
  19. H

    coast of maine digging

    heres what i picked up yesterday (except for black glass forgot to take out of pic)near portland i looked for bottles while wife looked for sea glass. iknow they are not much but i love them . see ya hoss

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