Privy Secrets & Little Known Facts we, dont know how good we have it.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Lehigh Valley USA
I bought this paper bound book from Digger odell called Privy Secrets and Other Little known Facts, when I read this book I was stunned to see how the world really was back in the 19th century, when we dig these bottles form privies we do not realize how bad some of these people really lived, the city dwellers who lived in tenement buildings where the worst off, when we dig, we fill the hole in, and go home to our nice comfortable homes, wash our finds off and admire them and put them on display, the fact is when these beautiful bottles where in use there was come CRAZZZZZZY CHIT Going on!!, some of you might have seen the book but those of you who didn't, here is a clip from the New York Times March 6, 1871 when you read it just think about 1850s [:'(]Pu!, this is just one (small) part of the book, it is some cool reading. Some of the contents are: Disease & sanitation, privy cleaning, privy construction, machines built to suck out privy gas, haha I love that one.water closets and more. Rick

[/align] [/align]The Reeking Filth of the Streets. Horrible Condition of the city-Miles of corruption-Sloughs and Mires-The savengers-The old Story Over again.[/align] THE ATMOSPHERE OF DEATH[/align]A tour around the city will reward the most morbid adventurer with a surfeit of loathsome horrors. In the vicinity of five points-the cesspool of the metropolis-is a speculate of nauseous rarity. The extension of New worthstreet from Baxter to the bowery is a causeway of death. It remains in an unfinished condition just as the privy builder contractors left it, to quarrel and speculate over private questions. heaps of earth,bricks,mortar,ashes,garbage,and all sorts of refuse, where thrown over the cellars and yards where the demolished buildings formerly stood. It is alleged that the privies where uncleaned and nearly filled up. at all events, the horrible stench from sunken holes, pools of water, green and black mud, and lumps of excrement along the fences, suggest the existence of such foul substance. Along Baxter, park and lower mulberry, Elizabeth and Mott streets, in front of the densely crowded tenements, there is a mass too horrible to discribe,carcasses of cats,rats,and dogs,garbage,sloPs,ashes and other refuse, that was originally thrown upon the snow, has been thoroughly pulverized by cart-wheels and trampled by horse hoofs into its present mixture-the quintessence of filt,andthe surest fertilizer of disease: The same condition of things is visible in many other places, especially where the streets are narrow and the tenement population immense.NYT March 6 1871 Here is where you can get the book

Ahhhhhh! Life is GOOD!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2007
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Seems we never hear of anything like that Rick. I rememeber my Grandmother telling me stories about life during the depression and before. Every time she would get done telling me a story about something, she would get real quiet for a few minutes. Then she would look up at me and say, THE GOOD OLD DAYS,,,,,,,,,,,, THEY CAN HAVE THEM, GIVE ME THE 80S !! She wrote many poems and was quite good at it, every poem she wrote had something to do with something that happened to her or the family, I can read them over and over again, and never get tired of them. I believe there are something like 160 or so of the poems she wrote, some short, some quite long.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
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Lehigh Valley USA
Your Grand Mom was a smart woman! LC,my Grand Mom lived in the coal region, seems like the good OLE days aint all fun and games like most people believe, buts that's the only life they knew so that was (normal) to them, who knows 150 years from now 2007 may be looked back on as hard times hahaha that book I talked about is crazy, its a weird subject, but hey IM a weird dude [8D] I dig poop pits come onnnnn!! [X(]

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