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  1. F

    anyone want to analyze my dream?

  2. F

    Six Sided Bottle with Impressed Cross

    WOW!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! If you happen to find info about it PLEASE post! [:D]
  3. F

    New arrivals...

    Packed in a good way! I didn't mean that negative. [:)]
  4. F

    New arrivals...

    [:)] You should do a video and show all of your bottles you have displayed. I bet your house is PACKED!
  5. F


    Med. Rare- that's what I am talking about. haha. It grosses David out when its still mooing a little. haha I like Turkey IF its deep fried. OH.MY.GOSH! My dad has to fry 3 turkeys every Thanksgiving b/c we have a big family and it is so good! He injects Cajun seasoning into it a few days...
  6. F


    I love red meat. I eat chicken a good bit, but beef is my weakness! I grew up on a farm and my mom still has one so I am use to the whole process. We pick out our Thanksgiving turkey. Lol
  7. F


    I guess growing up in the South and having the world's most southern mother, I love meat/potato type meals. I am craving steak. I like my steak medium and they always over cook it! I don't like well done steak like my boyfriend. He likes a lot of his food well done. How do y'all like your...
  8. F

    anyone want to analyze my dream?

    It sounds like the bottles are just made up. I always can relate my dreams to something I heard or noticed throughout the day. I have crazy dreams ALL of the time. Super crazy. I also talk in my sleep. My son does also. My brother sleep walks so bad he was discharged from the Army. haha Do...
  9. F

    got my display started

    That cracked me up a lot more than it should have, haha. [:D]
  10. F

    anyone want to analyze my dream?

    It means you should stop digging around in my house because I am going to want to keep the bottles. [:D] Just kidding, Are the bottles in your dream related to recent bottles you have seen or heard about?
  11. F

    me and my dad are divers and we found these bottles a while back

    I would love to see the teal one in the sun also! I bet its a beautiful color! I have never been to Aruba, you guys are making me want to go though!! I have never left the United States! Great finds! Best of luck to you & welcome! - Wendy
  12. F

    Quick question about the forum

    Some responses are better left to a PM. :)
  13. F

    exploring stories?

    What?? You can tell the story! It's my thread! Haha
  14. F

    exploring stories?

    Dang! That's so sad/traumatic!
  15. F

    "Guthrie's Eureka Ink" early umbrella

    I am not "busting" anything, haha. Just teasing Jim because I called him a ninja a while back. [:D]
  16. F

    Gold ink bird priced to sell lol

    I am no ink expert (or any type of expert for that matter) but I think it's ugly.... Just my opinion. ugh. [&:]
  17. F

    "Guthrie's Eureka Ink" early umbrella

    I like it a lot! No matter who, what, when or where its from! [:D]
  18. F

    "Guthrie's Eureka Ink" early umbrella

    Jim... tisk tisk.... Google? Your suppose to be a ninja, ninjas don't use Google.... haha [:D]
  19. F

    exploring stories?

    Woah!!!! [:'(][:'(][:'(]

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