African Artefacts Anyone?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2024
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Rock Land (Ottawa)
I've found the oddest things in my search for bottles. My first love was ancient
artefacts, but moving to Ottawa killed that. No digging without a permit here.

A 14th century Scot got stranded on the Barbary
coast and became a member of their tribe. He was a silversmith. Some Berbers
are very fair with red hair.

I have a North African amulet made by Berbers, of Celtic descent. It has open
work that aligns perfectly with the constellation of Orion. There's an odd closed
hole that is right over where a star system contains a tiny green planet. The
Ivory Coast and central west tribes claim descent from a God, from that planet.
That planet is not visible with the naked eye. It was rediscovered in the last
century, with the advent of telescopes.

Rigel contains an interesting binary
star system with a tiny green planet that may have contained life. Rigel is
the strongest sun in our vicinity. Sometimes Betelgeuse overpowers it and us.

This God handed the first tribal chief a golden footstool which was to be a
seat of authority. Bobo stools from Burkina Faso are the result of this legend.
I have one such stool. Its wood is so hard and old that it is nearly petrified. On
one foot it has a small hole where a metal was once fastened and hammered
all over the stool. This is what you would call a toe hole. I have often wondered if
it was covered in gold. I think the wood is acacia. Acacia wood is hard as stone.

Bobo stool

This footstool is a resting place for their God, who advises the tribal chief. When
not in use it is tipped on its end to prevent other spirits from residing there. Over
the years the handle had been transformed into an anamorphic chicken creature.
Once again, mine has a more primitive handle, with a distinctly non African face
wearing a feathered headdress. It resembles a Philistine bowing in submission.


The legend of the ark of the covenant bears an uncanny resemblance to this
story. Tudor Parfitt found what he considered to be a replica of part of the ark
in present day Zimbabwe. The Hebrews claimed that it was the footstool of God.
When King David subdued Goliath and the Philistines, his son, Solomon built a
temple to house the ark. The ark was made of acacia wood and covered in
hammered gold. Did its legend grow in proportion to the size of the lost ark?


My last African artefact was a carved wooden plaque brought back by
missionaries as a souvenir. It puzzled me greatly as there was nothing on
the back to indicate its origins. All I was able to learn was that the
missionaries came from a sub Saharan region near Sudan. It featured 4
distinct panels from top to bottom. 1) Two heads facing forward, 2) one
elephant with a sideways facing face, 3) two elephants facing each other
and then 4) two vultures facing each other. It was not long before I saw its
strong resemblance to an Egyptian Hieroglyph. The line between the
elephants and the vulture is thinner than the rest. A weaker barrier between
life and death? Very Egyptian thinking.


Sub Saharan Africans ruled Egypt for a period because the Pharaohs had
began to water down their beliefs to fit the Pharaohs whims. The symbols
were compared. The ankh symbol is based on an Egyptian hieroglyph that
literally spells out the sound. 1) Ahh is their God. Its face is always facing
forward and often accompanied by its female deity. 2) Nenn is the relation
of humans to animals, ie: Adam 3) Kahh is the dominion of animal and plant
life. 4) Hehh is the home of the dead or the underworld.


The ankh symbolizes the following; Inside the circle is/are the supreme being(s), outside
the circle is the dominion of man and animals. The cross separates the living from the
underworld. Below the line is the home of the dead or afterlife.

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