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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2024
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Rock Land (Ottawa)
I remember a long long search for a bottle that I was sure existed. It was a very
short lived hybrid of an ACL and embossed Coke bottle. Our corner store had
switched to the ten ounce bottle of Coke and it was prominent in the ice cooler
at the front of the store. At the time, most of the bottles said Coca-Cola in ACL
and it's registration and contents were embossed into the glass. My twin was
the superstitious type and told me he refused to buy any newer bottles that said
"Coke" on one side. He said they were bad luck. As a kid I took things like that
quite seriously. We dodged cracks in sidewalks and tapped every fence slat on
the way home. We even held our breath as we passed by cemeteries.


In order to ensure good luck, I faithfully turned each bottle in the cooler around to be sure
I didn't accidentally pick up a bottle that said "Coke". Only once in my childhood could I
remember seeing one such bottle, and I avoided it like the plague.

In my later bottle collecting life I searched everywhere for that elusive bottle to add to my
collection. The damn thing haunted me as everywhere I went it was not available. Even my
growing association of bottle collectors agreed. No one had even seen one and perhaps
they deemed me to be just highly imaginative.

I used to frequent a barn sale out of town while on service calls. I remember seeing a case
of America Dry and Golden Orange bottles from Montreal. I turned my nose up at them not
realizing that one day my search would lead to that very bottle. Luckily another collector had
bought the case years before we became friends. He's the one that gave me the KIK bottle
that was used by America Dry in its infancy. Out back was a pile of bottles left to the elements.
The elusive Coke bottle sat in a pile of rubbish, broken and badly stained - but I was stoked!

One day I went to a collectibles shop that I had visited faithfully week after week. An old
batch of bottles were moved from the back and mounted on a shelf near the front of the
store. A semi embossed Coke bottle was sitting within reach. I held my breath and turned
it around. It said "COKE"! It had been in his shop for years, and as yet, I have never seen
another one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2014
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it was 1967 when I saw the bottle for the first time...they were brand new
The earliest year for the 26oz with coke ACL was 1964. And also the earliest for the 10oz was 1964, there are two versions, one with Trade Mark Reg in white (1964), and one without (1966).
I suppose out there somewhere there is a 1965. Note the 1966 16oz has no embossing.

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