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  1. H

    Construction Site Findings

    2 things.No holes and I believe that is wear and tear marks in a circular shape on the inside bottom of the pottery as seen in the photo.
  2. H

    Construction Site Findings

    To me,as a fine dining server, that looks like a wine chiller that would be put in the cooler and taken out to the table with the bottle of wine sitting in it. If i had a pic of what we used now you would see it's very similar.Just a thought. Hoss
  3. H

    I don't understand !

    I'm sorry am i the only one who thinks this is phony?
  4. H

    Found a couple diving this weekend

    I believe the official state christmas tree of massachusetts is sent to boston from halifax each year as a "thankyou" for sending help of hundreds of men and supplies. Hoss
  5. H

    Every member new and old reply to this post

    i promised myself i would not get involved with this but... 888
  6. H


    check out the "displaying and photographing" section of this forum. Granted they are mostly pics of downeast diggers back hair and stardust's feet but occasionally i have see pics of somebodys collection. hope that helps. hoss
  7. H

    U.S. Naval Pharmacy, other military bottles

    Im glad you brought this up ,gunther, "tadpoles" were the name the chinese gave foreign naval invaders. you see the invaders would have to jump off the ship to come ashore due to the rocky chinese coastline,(very similar to maine's coast) as they swam ferociously toward them, the chinese...
  8. H

    U.S. Naval Pharmacy, other military bottles

    sale? would you sell your children? would you sell your mother? oh no friend these are not for "sale" however i would consider trading with Saj for that cabin bitters he has. It reminds me of my childhood home in the woods of maine. or i might sell them on ebay i dont know yet.
  9. H

    U.S. Naval Pharmacy, other military bottles

    hello i am in possesion of one of the finest naval boarding weapon collections in the free world. my partner and i have dove for these and we emptied a museum of their collection. I would be happy to trade for a sawyers crystal blueing or's a pic of my collection. from what ive been...
  10. H

    Boston Baked Beans Pot

    NECCO (new england confectionary company) makes the candy Boston Baked Beans and still puts some in containers like this ecept now plastic. Also makes NECCO wafers
  11. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    thanks mad man thanks glass man (are you guys related?) thanks digs i guess you mean the atlas jar maybe?all the way left??? rick i really thought that too. when i looked at it boobs came racing to my mind.then i realized boobs always come racing to my mind. I found all these in the hour of...
  12. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    thanks for the info. i would never have guessed that about the sanford's. like i said im new thanks hoss
  13. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    another shot a bunch more little corkers. not bad for an hours worth of work..hope you find interesting see ya hoss
  14. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    and this is one of my biggest criers ever(im new) "sanford's jamaican ginger extract, 1878" plus a lot more embossing
  15. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    our local common fruit flavoring
  16. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    anybody know what this is?
  17. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    sorry its green , amber slicks and mini bromo
  18. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    closeup omega oil
  19. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    omega oil its the greenest
  20. H

    extreme low tide finds 5/7

    some high lights........ blood wine

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