Strange Connections

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Jun 27, 2024
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Rock Land (Ottawa)
As I was digging through my box of old hockey sweaters (jerseys) I found three non original six items. One was a modern replica Ottawa Senators sweater (knit wool), a St. Louis Eagles replica sweater and a St. Louis Blues jersey (Dureen) from the early 1970s. Memories came flooding back.

The Sens jersey was replacement for one I had made before the franchise was resurrected in 1996.
I was excited with the prospect of Ottawa finally getting a NHL franchise and got my mother in law to teach me how to knit. It was very relaxing and it reminded me of Jacques Plante. He knit to get ready for his stressful job as goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.

I foolishly gave away my replica when the team arrived with a strange new jersey with the capital building in its logo. The next one was even dumber as it had a Spartan warrior and nothing even close to a senator, Canadian or Roman. I got the replacement on Kijiji from another disgruntled Ottawa fan that sold it to me for $20.


The Blues jersey was a replacement for my oversized Canadiens jersey, which my neighbour
gifted me. It was of course, a Christmas present from my Mom. She could still not find a Flyers
jersey and this one was at least close. She cleared it with me first this time. St. Louis was ok
because it was near my longtime home in the mid-west. It stayed hidden amongst my few
childhood treasures until it migrated to my hockey sweater collection a few years ago.


Just like my revelation that the Philadelphia Flyers had a Montreal Maroons connection, I learned
yesterday that the Blues had an equally bizarre Ottawa connection. Just before the Ottawa franchise
collapsed in the 1930s, they made one last ditch attempt in St. Louis. I got the replica sweater to pay
a final homage to the original Senators. What I didn't know was that hockey struggled on in St. Louis until they finally got a NHL franchise in 1967. The Flyers were the first, and the Blues were the last. The two teams traded players back and forth to build up their new franchises. Even their logos were similar.

Winged hockey pucks anyone?

So if the last vestiges of the Montreal Maroons ended up in Philly, the last vestiges of the original
Ottawa Senators ended up in St.Louis! Maybe my Mom knew something I didn't! Too bad she was
a Leafs fan. :(
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