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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Hilo, Hawaii
We should just level the playing field. That way they can kill more Americans.

ORIGINAL: andy volkerts

I have to agree with Osia on this. And our drones have killed a lot more Arab citizens then they have killed us.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.

Here we have self-identified "patriots" advocating extensive profiling, torture, the growth of "big brother" and, effectively, the further reduction of the already dwindling freedoms that we seem to be enjoying less and less as the days go by. Why? Fear and short-sighted indignation; plain and simple. Way to go folks.

Once I get my money up and can afford a lovely piece of property deep in the boonies (I'm thinking the Missouri Ozarks would be nice), that's where I'm moving; far away from all the idiocy and idiots that permeate every nook and cranny of this malignant society and ignorant way of life. Oh, and uhh, away from all the "terrorists" too...Yeah... [sm=rolleyes.gif] I'm way more afraid of the selfish fools that run the country (and the sheep who buy their crap) than the people who hate what the fools have done in the past and want to get revenge. I'll keep out of the way of gangsters, cops, politicians, bankers, terrorists, liberals and conservatives and let them all kill each other while I brew my beer, tend my vegetables and fruits, grow my weed, read my books, shoot my guns, and care for my family in blissful seclusion far removed from all this stupid crap.

ORIGINAL: Benjamin F'ing Franklin

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

What was done is nothing but inexcusable evil, but they score a hands-down victory when they get the American people lining up to hand over more freedoms and privacy. We must be vigilant in protecting ourselves and the country, but only within reasonable parameters. You "patriots" who immediately rush to abandon the brilliant liberties and rights our founders fought so hard to provide whenever the nation and it's people are faced with danger deserve a painfully epic reality-check. [:mad:]


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2004
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Northeastern USA
It sounds like your a voice of reason I've been hoping for but I do have a problem with over wording. Anyway, I hope you get that "blissful seclusion" you want but please don't go Ted Kaczynski on us.
ORIGINAL: Plumbata


Here we have self-identified "patriots" advocating extensive profiling, torture, the growth of "big brother" and, effectively, the further reduction of the already dwindling freedoms that we seem to be enjoying less and less as the days go by. Why? Fear and short-sighted indignation; plain and simple. Way to go folks.

Once I get my money up and can afford a lovely piece of property deep in the boonies (I'm thinking the Missouri Ozarks would be nice), that's where I'm moving; far away from all the idiocy and idiots that permeate every nook and cranny of this malignant society and ignorant way of life. Oh, and uhh, away from all the "terrorists" too...Yeah... [sm=rolleyes.gif] I'm way more afraid of the selfish fools that run the country (and the sheep who buy their crap) than the people who hate what the fools have done in the past and want to get revenge. I'll keep out of the way of gangsters, cops, politicians, bankers, terrorists, liberals and conservatives and let them all kill each other while I brew my beer, tend my vegetables and fruits, grow my weed, read my books, shoot my guns, and care for my family in blissful seclusion far removed from all this stupid crap.

ORIGINAL: Benjamin F'ing Franklin

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

What was done is nothing but inexcusable evil, but they score a hands-down victory when they get the American people lining up to hand over more freedoms and privacy. We must be vigilant in protecting ourselves and the country, but only within reasonable parameters. You "patriots" who immediately rush to abandon the brilliant liberties and rights our founders fought so hard to provide whenever the nation and it's people are faced with danger deserve a painfully epic reality-check. [:mad:]


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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ORIGINAL: Plumbata


Once I get my money ( After Uncles Sam's Cut it wont be as much as you originally thought) up and can afford ( Good Luck with that you wont be able to) a lovely piece of property deep in the boonies (I'm thinking the Missouri Ozarks would be nice),Permits ,permits,permits Permits,Yeah it would be nice but the EPA and the rest of the tree huggers don't want an irresponsible person having that ability cause they no best) that's where I'm moving; far away from all the idiocy and idiots that permeate every nook and cranny of this malignant society and ignorant way of life (Bill and Hillary had a lot of land in that area Stephen). I'll keep out of the way of gangsters, cops, politicians( oh you'll keep out of their way but they wont keep out of yours), bankers( You will eventually need these guys), terrorists,( with out a little profiling they could be your new neighbor they have some cool weapons don't they!!), liberals and conservatives and let them all kill each other while I brew my beer,( for a little while until the Feds figure out your making more then your yearly allotment) tend my vegetables and fruits, grow my weed,( Careful Feds wont like that either Youll need to relocate to Colorado or Washington for that anyway and then there is the amount issue.........) ) read my books, shoot my guns,( WOAHHHHHHH....SHHHHHHHHHH tip toe tip toe tip toe,Better be careful with this one Washington State and Colorado aren't big gun advocates ya might have a neighbor rat you out!!) and care for my family in blissful seclusion ("An advocate for Home schooling good for you"......but The teachers Unions do not want you to have this ability either) them far removed from all this stupid crap (In reality Stephen your looking for Gilligan's Island that's about the only place that will meet your requirements) .

ORIGINAL: Benjamin F'ing Franklin

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Stephen I think John Lennon may fit your belief system a little closer than Good ole Ben however after the hippie rant in a prior post( Which I admit I enjoyed) I am a bit confused about this[8|] Sing with me will ya Stephen......

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Nah I enjoy my sovereign Nation even if I need to give up a freedom or two,profile a little,and be on gaurd to get there, Its a helluva lot better then a socialist Utopia THAT DONT WORK EITHER!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Ben Franklin s best quote Stephen....... We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Hilo, Hawaii
"We feel your pain Plum,"
There is no place one can get away,
The taxman is here to stay,
They will find you and you will pay.

I grow my own and tend my animals,
Only to have to fill out my US 2012 census of agriculture,
Was once a simple phone call to report any sales,
Now I have a 24 page report,
Required by law.

What acreage I have what land I possess,
Do I irrigate and what machinery or equipment I own,
Nursery or green house,
Floriculture or sod, mushrooms and materials,
No question is to far.

Land rented or leased from others for cash,
How many cows, pig and sheep do I have,

My poultry my bees,
How much a spend on feed,

What fertilizers and chemicals that which I use not,
My organic farm is under the gun,
Operator characteristics, owe what do they mean,
I have to identify the sex of my machines.

The market value owe what do I do,
The income of my family farm,
The income of my household,
What is my life worth!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
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It would be cool to hear Vincent Price recite that, Rock..! [8D]


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
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Chinquapin Falls, S.C.
ORIGINAL: rockbot

"We feel your pain Plum,"
There is no place one can get away,
The taxman is here to stay,
They will find you and you will pay.

I grow my own and tend my animals,
Only to have to fill out my US 2012 census of agriculture,
Was once a simple phone call to report any sales,
Now I have a 24 page report,
Required by law.

What acreage I have what land I possess,
Do I irrigate and what machinery or equipment I own,
Nursery or green house,
Floriculture or sod, mushrooms and materials,
No question is to far.

Land rented or leased from others for cash,
How many cows, pig and sheep do I have,

My poultry my bees,
How much a spend on feed,

What fertilizers and chemicals that which I use not,
My organic farm is under the gun,
Operator characteristics, owe what do they mean,
I have to identify the sex of my machines.

The market value owe what do I do,
The income of my family farm,
The income of my household,
What is my life worth!

Maybe the good ol' USA should not have invaded, took over and deposed the legitimate rulers of the islands that you live on.............................I bet life would have been much simpler for ya. Then again you probably would be living on the mainland. Soooooooooooooo, really you should not be complaining huh?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
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He does have a point, Rock.. but wouldn't you love to bonk him in the head with a quart hutch anyway? [>:]

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