So where are the detector reports??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

sounds like you had a decently productive day. I thought the weather here was cooling off, but it was 87 today. Turned the air on for awhile to cool things down. Cool at night though, and rain all weekend supposedly. Think we're going up to inlaws to cut the grass at the farm this weekend. 3acres and 3 push mowers takes a bit of time. Then I'm going to pull out the 2 box and test it out.

You still having fun with blackflies down there? I thought we'd have them last weekend with it being so humid. Luckily I didn't get any bites or see any. We never have mosquitos here. Because we have over 1million bats living in the mineshaft on the hill....I'd rather have mosquitos..


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2009
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New Hampshire
RE: One more good morning

I hit a lake today and thoroughly enjoyed digging goodies in the cool, clear water.



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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2012
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RE: One more good morning

ORIGINAL: riverdiver

I hit a lake today and thoroughly enjoyed digging goodies in the cool, clear water.


Nice dig .. you usually dig at rivers right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

i love seeing your finds riverdiver. Always coins and cool artifacts etc... Must be nice getting out of the hot weather and into the cooler waters.

thinking about making the wife take me to the digging spot tomorrow so i start solo on the privy. But that creek is calling to me so badly....hard getting through that mud on the bottom down to the hard ground to feel/see what's there though. Might just start digging the bank out and deeper. or I'll wait til Sunday and make my friend do the hard work while i dig the privy!

From your experience digging water areas. which area should I concentrate on? the owner said it's bottle city before the big spring runoff and when the foliage starts growing...he said so many bottles you can fill a truck at least far i've only found a few 30-40's and a couple of sodas..... so they are either under the ground we walk on near or further in from the bank...the ground is 1-3" of coffee ground feeling soil....kind of mushy, but still firm enough to walk on..until you dig about 3"..then it's muddy water....... or if they're actually in the creek under the mud becasue it's basically a spring runoff "creek" flow.. I know I should wait til fall when it dries out and stuff, but I've got the manpower and tools to at least get to them now, so might as well get a glimpse of what we're going to find.............

HH tomorrow everyone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Nice digs RD what are the coins?

Iron any progress on the "new" detector yet? Just wondering when you might get it. Youd be the first one Id know that has a Tesoro. Like to see your reviews when youve had it awhile. I would like to do some digging but, its back into the 90s. I did however, get out for a bit today...........and boy did I think I hit a good one....

I cleared only a bit of clad batch of dimes and pennies. Well I was back near where Id located that `44 silver quarter. Got a faint tone so I dug anyways. I could tell this was silver and when I lightly wiped the surface (that I gouged the damned thing) was a 1932 silver quarter..............Now was I hoping for a "D" or "S"??.....yeah but Id about killed it by being in a hurry... Fortunately, it was good condition and well worn....However, if it were one of the other mintmarks it couldve been $$....oh well maybe another day. Note to self : slow down its not going anywhere!.

Wish I could give a great report, but I did find a bit of "scrap" silver!! Good luck all!.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

nice find on the '32. silver is silver..unless you get a nice rare date..then it's much more than just silver. I haven't gotten my Vaq yet. The budget has been a bit on the tight side for now.

Didn't get out yesterday at all. We made the decision to euthanize my eldest Griffon.(almost 14yrs old) he was my boy. His arthritis was getting to the point where he had nerve damage and he'd poop in his sleep and sleep in it or try to poop outside and his legs would give out and he'd fall into it and still keep going until you pulled him out of it. Always breathing heavy/yelping. The chondroitin/fish oil/glucosamine/meds weren't helping anymore so it was time to let him go. I sat in there with him while he went. Least I could do. When my father was dying, he went with me and sat in the bed with my dad for 10days. Getting out only to eat and go to the bathroom. Least I could do was be there with him when it was his time. I'm good with it now. Been prepping for that day for awhile now. His spirits were great and his tail was a wagging machine, just the backend of him wasn't working anymore. didn't want to be one of those who waits and waits until the dog is 99% walking dead before euthanizing him. That's too selfish.

On a happier note.... Didn't get up to inlaws this weekend to try out the 2 box, so going digging tomorrow instead. The more I think about it, the more I think that hole was the privy with the bldg trashpiled on top of it. Besides all of the tin and wood we found, we also found 2 of those graniteware chuck wagon style coffee pots that were used way back then. And like I said, the hole is nice looking dirt with loose bricks and hand-size stones loose on top. So it looks like a hole with a formed side that looks like the "wall material" has caved in on top of the dirt. So it'll be a matter of peeling some brick and stone out and shoveling. Cant wait.

Also going to try something different at the creek (it's irking me that I can't find these stupid bottles!!!!)..Going to rake the mud at the bottom of the creek right up against the where it meets the bank. Guy on MD forum said that he had same issue and when the creekbed dried out a bit, it was bottle city sticking out from the bottom of the, giving that a try....I know they'll be there later in the summer, but "they're my bottles, and I need 'em now!" (JG wentworth ftw)

On an nice making money story:
Was a bit saddened after finding out that the 23+ boxes of baseball cards friend and I were supposed to get ended up at Goodwill last weekend.

Good news now.... My friend drives for FedEx. His boss (and friend) heard about the baseball card fiasco and let my friend know that he has a garage, basement, storage unit and a storage unit in chicago full of stuff he's been collecting since forever.

so far what we know: over 1000 Atari 2600 cartridges, at least 5 Atari 2600 consoles...with original joysticks and cords..all working in like new condition.

most of the other popular gaming systems in the 80's/90's. Playstations, nintendo, psp's etc...all with cords/controllers and many misc games for those consoles/handhelds.

Baseball/hockey/football/basketball cards dating back to the late 60's and upwards. Still in foil packs. Aka never opened.

over 500 hotwheels cars dating back to late 60's (they came out in '68) to the 80's.

and over 100 beer signs. He used to drive for one of the beer companies back in the day and he and his buddy got to keep all of the signs as they rotated them out.

That's just a small pile of the stuff he has. He's either calling tomorrow to have us go load up, or we're loading up on Monday after friend gets done with work..
Will be sweet to see all the stuff he has for us to liquidate..


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Iron, hope the wheeling and dealing works out. Sorry about your dog. Thats always hard, but part of the life cycle. I rolled the WW1 med kit I picked up yesterday and did pretty good on that deal. Always watching for the quick roll $$.

I hit the gas station at 7am for a paper and couple of pops. It rain a bit here, not enough to do anything though. So, I talked with the cashier and she had a 5 pence coin for me today. Shes been watching for silver but nothing yet. I decided to gas up and hit a spot Id done well at in the past.

First coin was a `41 wheat. Then I saw some dirt that had been turned over and found a marble, and about 10ft away got a good tone. Popped a heart shaped pendant. Looking closer...STERLING....ah, a decent find!.. Ended up with just a bit 1q,2d,8p,1 token, and the sterling for maybe a 45 minute excursion. This heat really sucks. Though the grass is all dead so you can dig easy through it...however, the roads are like brick. So the dirt fishing isnt so hot. Got some event coming up so may git some clad and jewelry after those. And, being the cheapskate I am Ill be snatching the returnables too. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

sounds like you had a nice hunt! wheaties are always good to find. I like them. The sterling pendant was a good score too!! It rained last night here also. Not much, just enough to soak the grass a bit. We set out at 7something this morning and luckily the dew on the bushes and such kept us cool til noon when it started evaporating off..was time to take off at that point.

We hit the spot with the rocks and bricks and as we were clearing (we found alot of model a car metal..his dad builds them from scratch so we're putting it all aside), we hear someone talking. The guy who lives at the end of the field near where we were digging was on the phone. we introduced ourselves and he said that was the old privy for the bunkhouse but he pushed some dirt over it to flatten out his land and the rocks and stuff we were moving were from the demo of the bunkhouse. So we're definitely in the right place. Just so much metal to rip through. Grab a rock, toss it, pull on metal, dig 4 more rocks to get the metal out etc....

We also found what might be the backside foundation...looks like a capped well or something to me though.... hand laid rock/mortar about 2' high...(4'x4' roughly) cement on top of that , same size, same thickness and a small cement square on top of that. The rest of the foundation that we've found have been all flat worn huge rocks that are level with the ground. Brought the guy there that owns the backfield area and he had no idea it was even there. So will have to explore that at a later time.

As we were talking to this guy, he showed us his property markers and invited us to dig all we want on his land. He showed us where another shack had been and pointed to an area near his property stake and said he'd seen a rectangle of hand laid rock out there in the brush. He thought it was a privy because there were boards around it and "junk" as he said. We didn't find it because we found a huge dump on the way there.... 20'x30'ish and sloped from all sides to the middle. mostly cans on the top that we had to peel out of there, but a foot or so down I hit a clicquot club bottle (lip has a chunk torn off) and a pfeiffer beer can and one of the old Log Cabin star looking bottles. Plus a ton of clorox and linco bottles. Seems promising. It does go deeper because we could see down in the hole after we cleared out some of the cans. Just so much to plow through to get to the bottom. the creek is down a bit but the foliage is just as high as ever...need to wait for fall methinks..

might get out after dinner, but it's low 90's and humid and supposed to be 97 and humid tomorrow....hate this weather.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

as far as the wheeling and dealing goes, we spoke to his boss today and he said he's going to bring boxes of stuff for us to sort through tomorrow because his wife was embarrassed to have anyone over to their house to see all of his junk. I'm good with that. I'll be a sorting and cataloging and listing fool. We're taking 50% of everything we make for him (after fees/shipping etc..).. He thought that wasn't fair and wanted to give us more of a % for doing all the work. Told him we're happy with 50% and on rare items we sell for him, if they turn a nice buck, we'll take a smaller %.

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