So where are the detector reports??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Well good luck, surely you will find some good things. That area where that fellow said those shack areas are needs to be detected. But the weeds and undergrowth are the only things growing down here. Supposed to be 100 tue/wed. Might get back out...have to watch the heat.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Hit a couple of lots today. 2d,4n,37p and a mini maglite flashlight...was under some fresh crushed concrete. Got too hot and muggy so I bugged out (black flies are still a pain in the *** too). Did get some scrap aluminum bike parts. tossed them in the $$ bin.

Not sure if its the heat or unemployments reached epic here. There isnt a whole lot going on in these parts. Think everyones holding on to their cash, and not doing much.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

good you got out for awhile at least. I never made it out. Son had a dental cleaning and instead of biking we walked. Only a 10min walk. that was more than enough for today. not much traffic/movement here either. except at the beaches and ice cream spots. Buddy is having his shoulder surgery this week so by next week sometime I'll be at the digging spot clearing stuff from the dump til I hit bottom. he can be my water boy/chauffer..should be good stuff in other dump in the area other than the privy spot he was telling us about.

his boss gave him some beer signs today for us to get rid of. Guess he used to work for a distributor and everytime they were going to cycle out or toss signs, they'd give them to him to keep. so he has over 100 signs he said. some light, some neon and some of the wall tin type. Tomorrow is when the fun starts. He has 6 of those under bed rubbermaid tubs full of the atari cartridges, stacked 3 rows high....those things are almost 6' long x 2+' wide...figure I'll alphabetize those bad boys to get started on pricing/organizing them...

GL if you get out tomorrow...not supposed to be as humid/hot up here tomorrow as it has been...


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Iron sounds like some good finds. Im sure your "man servant" will be glad to assist. Im suprised you havent enlisted the locals to dig!. I can see you sitting under the cover of a tent, sipping a cold beverage and giving orders.

No digging today. Forecast 103 temp today. Got out and soaked the garden trying to keep that alive. Have some places to detect but going to wait til this heat passes. My running today is to the coin shop and library. Other than that---a/c and relax.

Hope someone gets out and finds something good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Quick spell and no coins. Found one copper connector, and someone left behind a set of pliers. Nothing special but free is good. Bit of temp relief, but the humidty is up there. Rain isnt much of anything. Looks like I have to keep watering the garden. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

The only locals there are the elderly couple and the 60's yr old guy who gave us permission to dig on his land. Reminds me of Indiana Jones. Guy in white suit in the tent, everyone else sweating to death in the sun.
Did it get super hot yesterday? wasn't too bad here. a bit warm with a semi-cool wind. Odd for you not to snag coins!! tools are almost just as good though.

Not too rainy here either. Humidity is high, no rain. Makes it miserable. We're watering our small garden too.

Grabbed 50 or so Atari games in a box from friend's boss. Alphabetized them and wrote up a list of condition,rarity avg selling price etc...will take pics tomorrow. Give me something to do.

Hopefully I can get out tonight, but I doubt it. Daughter has 6:45 soccer game. Might have 8-9 or so to hit the yard.

I hate having OCD and ADHD. I want to go to the hole we started digging and just focus on that and dig it all the way down. I also want to find the privy he was talking about, drain the creek and dig that all up and dig some of the dirt piles he found that he pushed over with his tractor. he said there was all kinds of glass pieces and other stuff in them. Might have to have wife haul daughter (she's a great can/junk clearer) and me up there on Sat morn just to clear out the stuff we've been finding and get to the goodness. Can't be too far down. Top layer is all 1940's so far.

FIL is now excited about the 2box. They were here last week and I showed it to him and showed him a youtube video of what it can do. He has the backhoe at the farm now "just in case".

K..enough verbiage. Time to get daughter ready for soccer.

GL if you get out this evening.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Hit the local areas this morning. Figured the rain might help detecting. Recovered a .925 small ring, 1q,1d and 20 pennies. Also some 1/2" copper tubing ends. Not much, but it adds up. Did also find some old Remington 10 ga shotshell metal ends. Look to be the old paper type as there was no plastic attached.

Might get a chance to do more detecting tomorrow afternoon. Good luck everyone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Well guys, it wasnt much of a treasure hunt. I did pop one 1937 beat up buffalo nickle, 3 wheats `41,`44 and a `46. Clad was all of $2.15. I did pull all of 2 pcs of beat up silverplate (1 spoon, 1 fork).

Other than that, got 6 returnables, and my lab got to roam around carefree. She wasnt even interested in the horse riders today. Just had the attitude "wake me up when youre done"...and she just flopped down. Low maint dogs are good.

Good luck to everyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

sounds like you had a good day yesterday. some nice older coins, a lazy day for the dog. some more silver plate!

we were at inlaws this weekend. Didn't get time at all for detecting. We cut the grass at the farm (all 3acres of it..with push mowers), buried our dog's ashes at the pet cemetery at the farm, picked blueberries and went back to town. spent the rest of the weekend pricing and getting stuff ready for the rummage sale this coming weekend. I still haven't even brought my stuff up yet. Father in law has some old Schwinns (who knew he had like 5 in the garage and barn) and an old JC Higgins bike from the 50's. Took some pics of that stuff and contacted some vintage bike ppl.

I wanted to try the 2 box out, but the batteries were barely alive. So I'm looking for these huge 9volt batteries that look like the old lantern flashlight batteries and nobody has them. I see them online for 30 bucks. The 2 box sat in the case all weekend. I get home, decide to open the cardboard container the batteries are in and what a surprise. The 9volt huge battery is nothing more than 6 9volts plugged into a hunk of hardboard with a large 9volt connector at the top. I stuck 2 9 volts into each one just to test it and the battery meter read almost full on each one and both units turned on. So I just need to snag a bunch of 9 volts (can buy 2 12packs of energizers for 15 bucks on ebay) and i'm good to go.

going to test it for sure this coming weekend. Hit a spot last time up there with my MD that read constant copper signal. Must have been huge. I dug 3' with the shovel and still didn't hit anything but it still showed same signal. Going to go over that spot first thing.

The best thing about the rummage sale is that my wife and her sisters do the sale and my bro in law and I take care of all the kids. We'll haul them out to the farm and go digging and detecting and stuff. make it an adventure for them.

Hit the backyard a bit last night after we got home. Nails. Washers. Lag bolts. Had a few silver signals deep next to the 100yr old tree in the side yard, after 1' down I gave up. I'll grab the shovel as soon as it's not so hot and the grass doesn't look like a desert and dig it up.

Was going to make my friend take me digging today, but I had a dr appointment and daughter has soccer in a cpl hrs. This week he will be my manslave and haul me around. Daughter is dying to go digging.

wanted to get out today but I'm being a wimp. over 90 and I'm not feeling like going out. Already rode my bike to dr appt. That was enough!!

GL and HH if you get out today.

your lazy dog comment reminds me of my two at the farm this weekend. The lab ran around for about 5mins, flopped down in the shade and snoozed the entire time we were there. My newer Griff was exploring the woods near the farmhouse and doing pretty well. First time off-leash like that and she didn't stray more than 30yds away and came when called even though she was onto some squirrel scent. I'm sure that the fact that Griffons are a close working breed helped.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

A few great finds!----if only the condition were better...the first was a 1910 Barber dime, and the 2nd a 21 mercury--a key date, but the condition is BATTERED...barely ledgible. I did also find 2 wheats a 1919 and a 1916 but again no better than good condition. Also found a camo pocket knife that was rusted solid, 1 token (looks brass) and 1.22 in change for the slush fund, and a few more silvers for my book of finds.

Plus a couple of pcs of the "el-cheapo" (as my Dad used to say) jewelry. The old coins were found near the area where I found my first Barber, and another mercury last year. Hoping to clean up some $$ after the local festivals are over.

Iron, I understand the Gov`nr declared a gas shortage emergency or something up your way? What say you?..... Just price gouging? Something about a WI pipeline shutdown and the UP doesnt have much fuel there (central-western UP)? I tell ya, if that happened down here those price happy freaks would be at $6 a gallon or more....of course, that wouldnt be gouging---just fair market pricing.

Good luck everyone.

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