So where are the detector reports??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

nice that you were able to get out and not get skunked. I was going through my MD coin finds the other night and i have a semi-key date penny. A 1924 no mint mark wheat. It's still dirty and needs to be soaked in water w/Dawn and then some olive oil, but it's in good shape. Ranges from .75c in poor shape to 450$ in "great" shape. (of course that's all subjective until you get it graded) Most of the silver coins and wheats I dig up here stay in great shape. Even Indianhead Pennies stay in pretty good shape. Those coins are usually flat junk in most places.

Going sat early morning to the flea market to talk to the older couple who are letting us dig. Going to find out exactly where the heck he saw all of these bottles. 2nd time we were there and I asked him, he said to start at the "front" of the creek when we first walk in. There's an old beaten up stone and mortar culvert there. Maybe with the thaw and the creek rising some moved into that culvert. Haven't checked in there yet or done much exploring in the creek (no waders with us til this coming weekend).

Didn't even make it outside at all today until after dinner. I let the kids run the dogs and whatnot. Was too hot and humid today. Maybe tomorrow.

GL hunting!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

LEON-- I've found both colors. Bosch, as you know, was made where the farm is (Houghton, Mi where inlaws live) and almost all of those beer cans and bottles in that pic are Bosch. Pretty easy for me to snag Bosch cans and bottles. Next time I go up, I'll look for a couple good examples for you. Surprised I haven't found any cone tops yet as most of the soda's I find there are mid 40's to early 50's.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Iron, Ive yet to dig any IH`s yet. Though I did get the 1910 wheat at the FG and have found many teens items. But there seems to be a lot of 1940 era stuff there as well. Youre right about the coins conditions here. Most are banged up or have crud on them. But I cant complain, the fg has provided me with silver Canadians, Barbers,Mercs,Roos, Stdg lib qtr, sil Wash qrt, wheats, rings and other silver pcs...and of course probably 100 or more pcs of silverplate. I doubt Ill ever "clean" the place out.

Might go over this moning for a hour or so not sure. It did hit 100 yesterday. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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RE: One more good morning

Here's a Pic of some of my different Bosch cans. In that area the popular cone tops to find are Silver Cream, Menominee, Copper Club & Haas. Let me know what you find? LEON.



  • 6E613BC4B7C1498D93EBEC21FE3B7782.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
RE: One more good morning

Hope y'all are surviving this heat!

Been doing some detecting lately, but the heat and utter dryness of the soil here has made detecting difficult.

Dug along the river (low water presently) and found 21 ounces of lead sinkers, a few modern coins and a 50s wheatie, and some interesting chert thumb scrapers.

Moved 1/4 a mile away to a nice old park and scored a pretty 1937 Buffalo nickel, a stainless steel ring([:mad:]), and some more modern stuff.

It rained yesterday and will supposedly rain tomorrow so hopefully the ground gets enough water to transmit signals more "normally".

Haven't detected silver in a while but have found another sterling silver spoon while digging up bottles; it contains 12.7 grams of pure silver i believe.

Best of luck people!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Plumb good to see your still looking. I did get one bottle dig in before this heat dropped in. The metal detectings rough, like you said because of the soil conditions. Still managed a few good finds.
Cant say Ive found the "buffalo" yet. Have been out over the weekend. Mainly spending cash combined just 5q,11d,2n,24p and $1.40 in returnable bottles...a dragonfly hairpin, and a nice shinney new BOLT (what a superb find that was!!)..

Did wind up with some sterling last month, some rings, a sterling St Christopher medal, and a handful of other charms/medals. Looks like 90s for the most part of next week with no chances of rain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
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RE: One more good morning

Let's see some pictures you guys!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

nice finds Plumb...I love the excitement of seeing a ring being popped up, only to find that it's either base metal junk or stainless. I mean, rings are rings. But it's always nicer to find the gold/silver ones!! Glad you were able to get out a bit.

Dig you found some nice jewelry it sounds like.

I was a bit miffed this weekend. Was supposed to go back to the dig spot, but friend's wife wanted to do stuff this weekend so he couldn't go all day yesterday and wife didn't want to drive up there with me. I'd ride my bike, but it's 25miles. I can't see myself riding my bike 25miles with a shovel, bag of newspapers to wrap stuff in, a probe and my waders. final theory on this place....then I won't bore you until I can get bottles out of there...

Guy said that before the foliage grows at all, it's nothing but bottles as far as you can see. He said they are those "old ones with the hole looking thing in the bottom and all of those junky colored medicine bottles and stuff"... he didn't see me almost instapoop. I asked how many there are, not knowing if it was the yellow brick road of bottles or just like, 20-30 spread out. He said there's at least enough to fill our pickup truck at least 3x...then his wife started telling me about how many bottles were there etc... bottles on the main part of ground leading down to the creek. Even after all the grass was sickled.

My 2 theories:
First one...the weakest.... they were along the shore of the creek and on the area where we walk and when the creek filled up and the ground got mooshy because of the thaw, the bottles sunk into the mud/dirt. Not the best theory because that'd be a ton of bottles sinking and unless they sank to a decent depth, I'd squish them when walking. I'm 6' 265ish and my buddy is 6', 280ish (powerlifting comes in handy when moving stuff in that spot).

second theory, and the one i'm thinking is most probable.... When he was there, before the runoff and foliage growth, he was actually looking at the dried creek bed and it filled with water with the spring runoff, thereby sinking them. Like I said, the water is close to 1 1/2' deep plus 8" roughly of mud.

The other end of the creek gets a bit wider but very shallow. That's near the dump we found which looks like the old shack. could be they tossed their bottles into the creek or onto the bank and they rolled into the creek. Plus i haven't even thought about looking for the privy for the bunkhouse yet.

So I'm dying to toss on my wader boots, grab a shovel, a long poled fishing net, gloves and the long pole I have to probe with in there and see what happens. They have to be in that creek.

tomorrow wife leaves for 2 days, son is gone til tomorrow late afternoon and daughter is gone to camp for the week.....

i hate this not driving crap...puts a damper on hobbies!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Sounds like you have some probing to do. When you locate it I think youll have lots to look at. As long as its not the 1000s at these dumps of commons....1000s and 1000s of baby food jars. But theres enough collectible "stuff" in there to go after. Maybe youll find some "plate".....Im hoping you hit some great stuff.

Im going to take Dugouts advice and take some pictures of the stuff Ive found. I just have to try to find something to set up a photo shoot on.

Went out for a few mins tonight and only got 2d,4p and a heart shaped small lock. Looks brass and only about an inch big. Cheapskates didnt even leave me any returnables today!. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning returnables!! how rude of them.....

Nice find on another piece of jewelery (i assume the 1" lock is a locket of some sort?)

Getting late here, getting dark and ugly looking too. Might be able to hit the backyard for a few. I'll be wifeless and daughterless tomorrow, so I'll have all day to go out. As long as it's not 400degrees again.

Yah..I'll be doing some probing for sure on that spot. I'm either going to divert or dam the creek up, or both. Guy who owns land behind the area said go for it as did the owner. Was thinking I'd just dig a trench, cut an elbow and put a pool there and then continue on and dig a final pool and either make an earth dam or take some of the steel panels i have and brace them up and make like a V dam. Much easier to get into the mud that way.

I'm hoping it's not junk city in there. Him saying the bottles with the hole thing in the bottom and the junky colored medicine bottles sounds promising...but so did "they're everywhere"...... under where we stand in the semi-muddy bank or in the creek are where they're at. Plus that creek is mostly spring runoff from the marshy area.

HH if you get out tomorrow...supposed to be high 80's and humid again..drink water!

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