So where are the detector reports??

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Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Dont know about the shoe shop! but I know some family members like new shoes too. All the dri-fit shirts came out looking like new. The brother in law is down the street, took some shoes/shirts/and the horned hats to him. Looks like the Flintstones waterbuffalo lodge hats. He put it on while BBqing in the yard.....the neighbors were giving some odd looks.

He wants one of those flags I found, told him I need more AA batteries, so some bartering will be done. He wants to use it for his backyard putting green. I did also find a medium sized Greek flag on a wooden pole too. Still need to take back all these returnables. Was a good walking workout today. Not to mention I had the backpack on too.

Havent checked the radar for your area. No storms down here so far, sunny and 80s.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

nice to be able to hook family/friends up. I'd love to see a pic of him with the order of the water buffalo lodge helmet on. man wear viking hat, man grill food.

Nice bartering on the batteries. they can become a bit expensive if you spend a large amount of time with your machine in your hand. How many AA's does yours take and how long do they last (with headphones on)?

My F2 takes 2 9v and lasts almost 30hrs with headphones on.
another detector i'm looking at takes 8 AAs...not sure I want to venture into AA territory if they're going to get sucked up like water.

Was supposed to be stormy and nasty yesterday afternoon. Sadly, it went south of us and we ended up with just the humidity. went to park again with daughter to work on her punt/pass/kick stuff for a cpl of hours.

she has soccer after dinner tonight so that'll kill hunting time.

But...on Friday wife will be working, kids gone for a church event all day. going to call up my buddy and make him take me to the dig spot so I can spend the day clearing that out and making it a big dirt area to dig. Going in there with that sickle, I'm going to feel like Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade.

Walking through that belly high reedy grass and hearing glass crunch under your feet because you can't see the ground at all scares me...luckily it's all been common '40's stuff. but i'm itching...badly....10x15' area, glass all around it 5' out, slopes down about 5' to the middle...'40's bottles on top of the hole...has to be promising... doesn't look like a normal dump I've seen. This looks more like someone stood on the edge and used a backhoe to pull out a bucket of dirt and then left it...could have been an outhouse where the ground/dirt caved in. It's semi-rectangular in shape and the soil looks rich.

All I know is that I'm going to go psycho with that sickle and clear a "to the ground" proper path to the hole and around it.

One nice thing about that place and meeting the guy who owns the property and let us dig is that he has a 2track that goes all the way out to the edge of the grass/reedy area. So we can park there, walk 50' and be at it vs walking from the hwy, through the creek, through swampy ground to the reed/grass..and then pounding our way through that. (he nicely gave us permission to walk all of his property and dig all we want.)

Other than doing cataloging of stuff, listing stuff, pulling bottles out to list (finally) and figuring out what i'm cooking for dinner, nothing going on.

hope you get out today!!


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Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Well as far as the AA batteries those are for the Whites MXT-Pro they usually last 40 hrs there about. So I do get pretty good time out of them. I may look into rechargeable AA`s. I talked with a fellow detectorist, and he uses the rechargeable AA`s (not the slip in Whites battery pack) and has the DFX. Said he gets just as much time from the rechargeables as the Alkaline AA`s. And our machines are pretty close as far as the guts. Going to wallyworld today so I may snag some up and give it a try.

I am hopeful you will finally get some good finds up there. I keep looking at my sodas and milk collection and need to get back digging into my spot where I left off. Theres also a new antiques mall opened up and I want to inquire about a space that I may set up some of this stuff to $$. Good luck scratching up there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

did you make it to the new antique mall this weekend? we decided to hit Kohls to do a bit of clothes shopping for the kids for school. We did pretty well. we had a 30% friends and family discount + 20% for my Kohls card and they were running sales on everything. I was getting adidas workout shorts for 6 bucks a pair. same for the adidas under armour style shirts. I ended up with 4-5 pr of shorts and 5 shirts. Just workout gear for when fall hits.
We ended up spending between 400-500$ and saved (off normal price) almost 600bucks. Not too bad. Wanted to hit the antique store there (Marquette) where I usually go for bottles, but wife didn't want to spend 3hrs waiting for me.

Buddy and I hit that creek/hotel area. We went to the "new" guy's land and he was there. Gave me a pint milk he found in the dirt. Sad thing is he's leveling all of that land and he did the part where we were digging the dump and it was all backfilled. Luckily he had a small Kubota backhoe/scoop tractor. He came over, pulled all of the backfill out of it for us. We ended up finding a couple of perfumes, a Dad's Mama size bottle and a cut glass ink. Plus a few others that I can't recall right now...aka..they're sitting in the garage because I was wiped out and didn't feel like cleaning them.

We explored the hotel area and I took a few pics of what was either a corner support for the hotel or a cistern.

after five hours of doing all of this, we checked the creek because it looked low yesterday when we drove by on the way home. Sure enough, the water is 3-5" now. The mud is still 1' til solid bottom. I started goofing around just shoveling some of it out and ended up popping a whiskey pint bottle and a bunch of shards. So the bottles are definitely in there, just have to either wait til fall when it really dries up, or find a way to dredge that mud out of there. 1' of mud plus 6" of digging into solid bottom sucks...

Other than that, nothing going on. All of the cameras we picked up at the auction sold within the week. Was a quick 2500. Still have all of the accessories to sell yet.

GL if you got out today!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

finally loaded pics from my phone. Here's a pic of Jack (the guy who's letting us dig) on his Kubota digging out the stuff he had just dozed in there a few days prior. Nice guy to do that for us.



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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

Here's a pic of what I'm thinking is either a cistern type cap or a sewer cap. Talked to buddy and he reminded me that this sits behind the foundation, which is easy to follow as the cement that's flush to the ground is still traceable.

I posted in another thread, but i'll post here too... the far side of this thing was silty/grey sand looking stuff. We dug down a cpl of feet and found some clay pipe. We followed it on the far side and it led to the side of the hill the hotel sits on. On the ground at the bottom of the hill, we found some clay pipe ends.

We also found some clay pipe on the close side. Then 8' or so from this cap, there's a roughly 4'x8' rectangle of cement that sits 4" or so above ground. Next to that (continuing in a straight line) we found more clay pipe and then a 4'x8' cement tub/tank. Looks like a cement sleeve, but has a bottom about 3' down.

We broke the top layer and the rock out of this thing. We used an 8' iron ice spud, or as he calls it the M***** F*****. meaning, you have to be to the point of cursing to get this thing out and start reefing on stuff. The sledge helped too. The lower slab was roughly 4" thick. It was getting late so we didn't spend the time to bust the bottom slab up. We did get the MF in there and it must be hollow in there. The MF went right in w/o any force.... We might head over there tomorrow morning just to bust that up and see what the heck is under it....'s the pic....

Oh...and behind the field with the dump we were digging, there's an old farmhouse and barn foundation. I saw it on google maps and thought it looked like ruins, but wasn't sure until we were at the field. Would be a great place to dig and MD. When we head back, I'm going to MD this guy's field now that he plowed over all of the foliage....



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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Sure looks promising. Looks like both will be good --bottles and metal detecting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
RE: One more good morning

Iron - Interesting looking place, but I would scrutinize the foundations/cellar holes before that odd structure. Might be some good old mason jars buried under the debris in the foundations. Field detecting sounds fun too, got a nice ole pocket watch fob last time I did that.

No nice MD finds lately for me. Hit a 1930s school field and got tons of quarters, probably covered less than 1% of the area so there is plenty to go. At one point i pulled out 7 quarters in about 5 minutes (shallow). If it produced consistently like that I'd just detect all day instead of working, lol. Conveniently, the lot is right next to one of my favorite dumps so I can switch from digging to detecting and back to digging as fancy strikes.

Did get a 40% '67 half today though. Cashed a jar of change for a friend and spied 3 halves in a teller's tray about 8 feet away. One was clearly silver so I snatched them up. Went through 230.00 in rolls before this with squat for silver so finding that was nice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

that's a lot of quarters plumb. your back and knees got a workout. I've only hit a spot like that once. side of a sloped small hill. Both pockets of my shorts were full..I had to hold them up to get back to the truck to unload...

We dug near the inside corners of the foundation and found a bunch of window glass and cedar (like you'd find lining a privy) and tons of clay pipe hunks.

this week we're going back to open that thing up and see what it is. And play in the creek mud some more.

I want to find the bunkhouse that was behind the hotel, but I'm thinking the guy (Jack) who let us dig on his property has his 5th wheel and his toys over that area. Either that or whatever remains of the bhouse and privy for it are still hidden by the rest of the foliage. we're going to take a thorough walk when we go this week. The pic i have of it was taken in 1900 and sits "behind the hotel". Area we found that has "junk" in it, might be the dump they used or the bldg/privy.
found teapots dating to that time and tin panels and such. alot of rocks as Jack had leveled the land above it and pushed most of it where the stuff sits. we have it close to being cleared out.

Going through 230$ in rolls? do you CRH(coin roll hunt)? I would, but the wife would wonder why I'd want to exchange money for money.

HH if you get out tomorrow... here's the pic of the bunkhouse i posted before.



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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
RE: One more good morning

In that pic, on the far left side in the hazy part of the image, is that a road visible in the background? Whatever the case, there's bound to be some good detecting somewhere on the site. Were there any picnic areas or sidewalks/walkways associated with the hotel? Perhaps a stable/barn for the horses? I've heard that people have great luck detecting the areas once used as stables for high-volume traffic like hotels and stagecoach stops.

Yeah, I CRH casually. Haven't had any noteworthy finds but it is pretty fun regardless. It would be fun to find something other than Kennedy halves but whatever. My family and gal are understanding and supportive about it, but even if they weren't I'd do it anyway. [:D]

My dad seems to have pretty good luck though. He will get a roll or 2 once in a while and always gets silver. Once while he was hiking up a creek, totally exposed on the slope was a 1946 Walker half laying flat on a raised pillar of dirt. Pretty awesome surface find. I went back and detected the whole area and didn't find a single coin. Figures. [:D]

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