So where are the detector reports??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Good finds Plumb! You should know, you can never judge a book by its cover.The reverse? my ex has all the latest fashions etc....shes still trash. Just an observation. I am waiting for the local "festivals" to conclude sunday. Monday--I will be there at o-dark-thrity.

Thinking I will head to the park in just a bit and see if theres anything about. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Poked around said park. 2d,14p, 2 chunks of melted aluminum (toss in my scrap bin),2 returnables, a bagful of scrap aluminum cans, and a spongebob squarepants "squidward" doll....I think Im gonna need to have a rummage sale soon to get rid of all this "oddball" stuff. My favorite park area for silver was still over run by those huge damned hornets. Didnt have the bee sting kit with me....and too many to even try detecting around. Mission= Fail.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: One more good morning

Plumb I need to come MD'ing with you. A V nickel...sweet find. Not something most MDers find. You're finding quite a bit of good stuff. That's awesome.

Dig, you're still not doing badly. You always manage to dig up or find something. And any clad is good clad. It all adds up..

When I was in high school, my cousin and his 2 buddies and I decided to take a trip down to florida for spring break. I saved change in a 2litre Dr Pepper bottle for a few months and we ended with enough gas money to get to Fla and back... I'm being a bit ambitious now. I have one of those huge like, 3 gallon candy store's only 1/4 full now...

The rummage sale is almost over. We went from 8am to 7pm yesterday and 8am to 1pm today. The buddy and I pulled 301 each and the wife (with some of my stuff) pulled in just under 200...Not too bad so far. will see what today brings.

Gorgeous out today. Hopefully going to con the wife to take me to the park/lake I used to always hit now that it's now raining.

HH and GL


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: One more good morning

Well guys, I hit the festival grounds at dawn this morning. I cleared 18q,6d,28p, 1.20 in returnables, and a 3ring faux silver set. I wouldve hit more areas there but the beer tents and surrounding areas were not cleared. Have to make another trip another day. I did swing by the fairgrounds and did a bit more there but didnt find much.

They too, were tearing down and it was mayhem. I did see three returnable snitches going through the trash cans looking for returnables in a beater pontiac. They kind of looked like they needed the funds worse than I. The sherriffs work detail from the jail was doing a good job on clean up. I did see 2 other detectorists there, but not having much luck. I think I snagged 4-5 more coins there hitting a few small spots.

Had hopes the ring set was real...but no. It was a good morning out and nice weather too. So, now I go back to digging mode provided the weather stays cool temps. Maybe find some other forms of good items. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
An awesome quick morning hunt

Thanks for the good words people. Rich, it is quite true that ya can't judge a person with a mere glance. I never really ascribed to the superficial way of operating. One can miss out on a whole lot if one judges rather than perceives. And those hornets... This is the first year I've ever seen them (in my area and in general). I captured one in my yard and imprisoned it in a mason jar, then went to find the burrow/nest. I flooded it with the hose then buried it, lol. Don't want those beasts anywhere near me.

Sounds like the rummage sale was a success there Iron, did you do any buying for the collection while there? And yeah, the V nickel was a surprise, especially because it came from one of the hardest-hit parks. Doubt I'll bother with the place now that I got a far better spot! If you're ever in the area I'd be happy to take ya detecting.

Well, I awoke at 5 AM unable to accrue more than the 3 or so hours of sleep obtained last night and decided to check some maps for inspiration regarding other places to detect. The Hedgerow park gave up some more wheats but nothing interesting, and I've been itching to get some silver coins.

In viewing the maps I saw a very old and rather large park in a bad part of town that seemed worth scouting out. There are 4 main parks hunted hard in town and at least 3 have had pretty much all the decent items shallower than 5-6 inches cleaned out. Bad for me because the detector isn't reliable deeper than that. Never heard of anyone detecting the place I chose to look, not en-masse anyway, but wasn't really expecting anything to turn up either.

I wasted some time detecting a washout in the dirt from road runoff and only found wheel weights and bits of scrap copper. I then move several yards to a small hillock and the very first signal I choose to dig, 3.5 inches deep, is a 1907 S Barber Dime! Pretty decent shape as far as barbers go; bout half of liberty is visible. Probably a solid Fine condition. When I pulled the plug it was laying in the hole face-up. Always awesome to see that. [:)]

I had to call my dad (his dad got him into coins, and both got me into them) and relate the good fortune, and after resuming detecting I got another nice signal. Turned out to be a clad rosie on the surface. Then the third good signal came, 1 inch deep. The small plug was extracted and waved back and forth over the coil. "BEEP BEEP BEEP." Split it in half and see the unmistakable edge of another silver dime! A 1944 S Mercury, woohoo! [:)]

Then I dug 2 copper pennies and packed up, after being there a total of 40 minutes or so. Only intended to do a quick scout-out this morning, but ya better believe I'll be going back to grid it out and go through there with a fine-toothed detector! [:D]




Wish I had silver coin ratios like that every day, lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
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Iron Mountain, MI
RE: An awesome quick morning hunt

you're on a good roll Plumb. Nice Barber and Merc'. Both look to be in excellent shape. Coins up here come out of the ground like that too...

Dig, you can hunt the fairgrounds at will? or do you need permission? Ours always is gated and locked unless the fair is going on. I know it's not privately owned and there aren't any regulations etc against md'ing in public/city owned property around here... might have to contact the caretaker that I know and see what he says. If nobody else has hit it, could be a goldmine.

Nice that you two are able to get out so often. Methinks you're right Dig... time for some digging soon now that the weather is a bit more moderate. No more 90+ and 90% humidity. Heading back to the creek/hotel dig spot this coming weekend. The water level should be down to the muck by now. Think I'm just going to dig a trench and come-along the muck down the trench to empty it a bit.

I'm conflicted about what I'm going to do at inlaws next. either spend the weekend testing the 2box for ore or dig. Since it's still semi-early in the year, I'll probably just MD with the 2box and the normal MD. Dig closer to mid-November when we go up to hunt.

It's nice today, nothing going on..might sneak outside for a bit.



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: An awesome quick morning hunt

Nice coins there Plumb. I love the Barber design. Keep hit the good stuff!. Iron I keep waiting for you to pull some great stuff out of your area. I hit the fairgrounds again this morning, as usual it didnt diappoint. 1 silver thin bracelet, 3q,6d,10p, one new bungee strap, 4 returnables, 1 marble, some misc scrap, 1 set Under Armor gloves (red/black).. no silverplate today.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2010
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RE: An awesome quick morning hunt

1 silver today--1961 dime. Didnt find too much 1q,3d,5p. 1 pc of squashed copper pipe too. Hit a few rummage sales on the way back. Got some aluminum pots for scrap (got all the heavy ones at .10 ea) and a bunch of copper cable cheap too. Lady had a great deal on a rh Chevy truck fender NIB for all of $10. Supposed to call me back on a bunch of military items in her basement. Hoping that turns out good. The others were all duds and kids junk. Getting warm and miserable out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Peoria Co.
RE: An awesome quick morning hunt

None too shabby! Silver is always fun, and the scrap adds up. Just today sorted through my pile of junk accumulated since the last time I sold off and have about 14 lb brass, plus a decent bit of copper and insulated copper wire, aluminum etc. Haven't hit any sales lately, used to do it religiously but the deals aren't what i remember from 10 or more years ago. Heck, even 5 years ago.

I did go back to that "honeyhole" park for a bit on Wednesday. Got the normal stuff, plus an approximately 9 gram Sterling Silver ring with an unattractive Onyx setting, a fired .45 bullet (told ya it was in a bad part of town LOL!), and 6 wheats, including a 1912 and a 1928, the rest from the mid 40s. The concentration of wheats in different areas is helping me get a better idea regarding the good and productive spots to check more thoroughly later.

Then a horde of 9-15 year old black kids came by and were very curious, so I demonstrated how to use the machine and let them have fun in the sand of the swing-set area until it got dark. Some were natural detectorists and were very grateful for the "lesson" and expressed the desire to get one of their own oneday. It was quite interesting to see how excited they got when they would dig even a nickel, and quarters might as well be made out of gold to them. Despite their poverty they were quite nice and polite, so i gave each of them a brown quarter dug earlier. They couldn't have been happier. Again, I could have ignored them and probably found more goodies, but life isn't just about oneself. The kindness and attention I offered to the kids probably did far more to make the world a better place than if i had disregarded them and gone on to find several more wheaties.

Hopefully they let everyone in the hood know that I'm "cool" and to not harass the big-haired white boy swinging an odd contrapulator in the park. I'd rather the .45's only be dug out of the ground, not my body. [;)]

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